Value layers

Definition and concepts

Organization, within a universe, of elementary value contributions according to a stable plan which reveals levels: level of nearness, level of integration, level of resource (Notion generalizing that of the front office, middle and back office). Constitutes a frame for the economic reconstruction in the ecosystem.
It is possible to identify these strata, and to distinguish very sharply discontinuities and articulations. Every articulation in a the value chain allows the other elements of the chain, every link, to make the best contribution final value delivered.
The creation of architectures of value, represented by layers on the basis of which operators specialize and establish themselves, is an expression long-lasting breaks.
A layer can be seen as a "class" of operators, who, although different, present a location of the same type, within the network of the value chains, so if there are 3 levels of layers, there will be 3 operators' types:
  • Proximity operator
  • Integrator
  • Resources provider
Graphical représentation

A typical representation is given by the following plan, which includes four levels of layers:
  • The superior layer (level 4), includes, for every event, a dedicated operator.
  • The level 3 is totally occupied by an integrator.
  • The level 1 is the layer of the resource providers (Providers of maintenance, technical, securité...), and the level 2 is the one of specialized service providers.

Elements of syntax
  • There is no limit as for the number of layers.
Check List
  • One layer can contain no more than a single type of elements. A proximity operator and a resource provider cannot belong in same layer.
  • Several layers can contain the same type of elements: several integrators, or several layers of resources (Raw Materials, staffs, under traitants)
Cf. Complete examples of Trame Business.

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